Highlights Archive
CGU Presidency meets with the delegation of CEDIA
La presidenta y la secretaria ejecutiva del GCU acoge a una delegación de CEDIA en la sede de la red en Santiago de Compostela.
Presentation of the 1st International Academic Conference ‘Universities and Cultural Routes’ in Hungary
Presentation of the 1st International Academic Conference ‘Universities and Cultural Routes’ . The executive secretary, María Teresa Carballeira Rivera, introduced it at the 13th Annual Consultative Forum of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.
The CGU presents its activities at the event to welcome international students to the University of Santiago de Compostela, 2024
The Compostela Group of Universities attends the International Students Welcome Day at the University of Santiago de Compostela, 2024.
Presentation of the University Walking Community volunteering programme in Jaca
In the framework of a solid and growing partnership, the Compostela Group of Universities (GCU) and the Association of Municipalities of the Camino de Santiago (AMCS) presented in Jaca the volunteering programme University Walking Community, an initiative that seeks to involve young people in volunteer activities around the Camino de Santiago.
Professor Manuel Freire-Garabal Núñez is appointed Ad Honorem Member of Compostela Group of Universities
Professor Manuel Freire-Garabal Núñez is recognised with the title of Ad Honorem Member of the Compostela Group of Universities at the General Council meeting held in Lima (Peru) in the framework of the 30th General Assembly of the CGU.
The members of the General Council awarded him this honorary distinction for being a living memory of the institution from its very beginnings and in recognition of his proven spirit of collaboration with the network and its community.
Compostela Group of Universities Awards the 2024 Chair to Prof. Dr. Lilla Garayová
El Grupo Compostela de Universidades ha concedido la Cátedra 2024 a la Profa. Dra. Lilla Garayová de la Universidad Pan Europea. Los finalistas suplentes son la Profa. Dra. Laura Movilla Pateiro de la Universidad de Vigo y el Prof. Dr. Miguel Ángel Martín López de la Universidad de Sevilla.