CGU Presidency meets with the delegation of CEDIA

La presidenta y la secretaria ejecutiva del GCU acoge a una delegación de CEDIA en la sede de la red en Santiago de Compostela.

Presentation of the 1st International Academic Conference ‘Universities and Cultural Routes’  in Hungary

Presentation of the 1st International Academic Conference ‘Universities and Cultural Routes’ . The executive secretary, María Teresa Carballeira Rivera, introduced it at the 13th Annual Consultative Forum of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.

The CGU presents its activities at the event to welcome international students to the University of Santiago de Compostela, 2024

The Compostela Group of Universities attends the International Students Welcome Day at the University of Santiago de Compostela, 2024.

Presentation of the University Walking Community volunteering programme in Jaca

In the framework of a solid and growing partnership, the Compostela Group of Universities (GCU) and the Association of Municipalities of the Camino de Santiago (AMCS) presented in Jaca the volunteering programme University Walking Community, an initiative that seeks to involve young people in volunteer activities around the Camino de Santiago.

Professor Manuel Freire-Garabal Núñez is appointed Ad Honorem Member of Compostela Group of Universities

Professor Manuel Freire-Garabal Núñez is recognised with the title of Ad Honorem Member of the Compostela Group of Universities at the General Council meeting held in Lima (Peru) in the framework of the 30th General Assembly of the CGU.
The members of the General Council awarded him this honorary distinction for being a living memory of the institution from its very beginnings and in recognition of his proven spirit of collaboration with the network and its community.

Compostela Group of Universities Awards the 2024 Chair to Prof. Dr. Lilla Garayová

El Grupo Compostela de Universidades ha concedido la Cátedra 2024 a la Profa. Dra. Lilla Garayová de la Universidad Pan Europea. Los finalistas suplentes son la Profa. Dra. Laura Movilla Pateiro de la Universidad de Vigo y el Prof. Dr. Miguel Ángel Martín López de la Universidad de Sevilla.

USC Alumni and CGU sign a Framework Collaboration Agreement

Framework collaboration agreement between the Association of former students and friends of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Alumni USC) and the Compostela Group of Universities.

The Compostela Group of Universities and the Colombian Association of Universities (ASCUN) sign a Framework Collaboration Agreement

The Colombian Association of Universities (ASCUN) and the Compostela Group of Universities (GCU) have signed a General Protocol of Intent with the aim of promoting cooperation and partnership between their respective member institutions.

Compostela Group of Universities and the Mexican Association for International Education sign collaboration agreement

The purpose of this Framework Agreement is to establish the modalities of collaboration between the AMPEI and the CGU for the development of common activities or programmes of action in the fields of science, culture and higher education.

CGU and the Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUALC) sign a Framework Collaboration Agreement

The purpose of this Framework Agreement is to establish the modalities of collaboration between the UDUALC and the CGU for the development of common activities or programmes of action in the fields of science, culture and higher education.


The Autonomous University of Chiapas organises a Webinar on the University of the Future 2024

The international event will explore the challenges and opportunities facing higher education in the global era.

Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) achieves International EAC-ABET Accreditation in Engineering

The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), a member of the Compostela Group of Universities, has achieved international accreditation from the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET for three of its engineering programs: Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Mechatronic Engineering.

The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) launches the Call for its International Conference 2024

The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) announces the opening of the call for the Ripam 10.5. & EMUNI 2024 Conference, which will take place on 10-11 October in Piran, Slovenia. The central theme of this edition will be ‘Ancient Hydrological Systems and Water Management in the Mediterranean Region’.

INTEC celebrates its International Staff Week (ISW) 2024: “Higher Education in the Dominican Republic: A Comprehensive Approach Aligned with Erasmus+ Priorities”

El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) anuncia la celebración de su International Staff Week, que tendrá lugar del 17 al 21 de junio de 2024 en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Bajo el título “La Educación Superior en la República Dominicana: Un Enfoque Integral Alineado con las Prioridades de Erasmus+”, este evento está especialmente diseñado para miembros del personal académico y administrativo de diversas áreas de instituciones asociadas, interesados en participar en esta experiencia enriquecedora.

The University of A Coruña opens registration for its International Summer School 2024

The International Summer School of the University of A Coruña offers a unique experience for students from all over the world. The selected courses, taught by foreign university professors, cover a wide range of subjects and are recognised with 6 optional ECTS credits upon successful completion.

CETYS University invites CGU affiliated institutions to participate in the International Summer Programme 2024

CETYS offers 25 scholarships of 100% of tuition and fees for students from GCU member institutions.

The Lodz University invites to participate in the International Scientific Conference “Protection and Security of Financial Services Market Participants”

The conference, organised by the Department of Central Banking and Financial Intermediation of the University of Lódz, will take place on 16 May 2024 in hybrid, face-to-face and online format. Its main objective is to exchange views and experiences on the protection and security of financial services market participants, especially consumers.

The Santo Domingo Institute of Technology announces The Great AI Debate, to be held 18-20 March 2024

The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, INTEC, announces The Great AI Debate, where the latest advances in artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies will be discussed. It will take place from 18-20 March 2024 and will be broadcast live.

The University of Zaragoza announces grants for Latin American and Equatorial Guinean PhD students 2024/2025

La Universidad de Zaragoza convoca ayudas para iberoamericanos y ecuatoguineanos en estudios de doctorado 2024/2025.

The Autonomous University of Chiapas announces the fourth edition of the “Webinars on Internationalisation at Casa Unach 2024”.

The Autonomous University of Chiapas announces the fourth edition of the cycle called Webinars on Internationalisation at Home Unach 2024, with the aim of informing the Spanish-speaking university community in Mexico, Latin America and the world, models, methodologies, tools, trends and success stories of Internationalisation at Home (IeC) programmes.


Adam Mickiewicz Uniersity in Poznan, Poland

Meeting of the Executive Committee

14-15 April 2025
University Walking Community volunteer programme logo

Online course

Compostela Debate Academy

4-8 November 2024
University Walking Community volunteer programme logo

University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

International Conference on “Universities and Cultural Routes”

13-14 November 2024
Logotipo de la Universidad de Seville. Logo of the University of Seville

University of Trás-os-montes and Alto Douro, Portugal

XXXI CGU General Assembly

15-16 September 2025