
The Compostela Group of Universities reaches agreements with other associations and organizations, which share its values and objectives, in order to collaborate jointly in the achievement of these goals and in the creation of activities.


Mexican Association for International Education

Mexican Association for International Education

Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean

Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean

Association of former students and friends of the University of Santiago de Compostela

Association of former students and friends of the University of Santiago de Compostela

Colombian Association of Universities

Colombian Association of Universities


Organisation of Ibeoramerican States

Organisation of Ibeoramerican States


CETYS Universidad

CETYS Universidad

International Association of University Presidents

International Association of University Presidents

University of Pécs

University of Pécs


Tourism of Galicia Agency

Tourism of Galicia Agency

European Institute of Cultural Routes

European Institute of Cultural Routes

Provincial Government of Lugo

Provincial Government of Lugo


Traslatio Foundation

Traslatio Foundation

European Federation
of Saint-James Way

Association of Municipalities of the Camino de Santiago

Provincial Government of Pontevedra

Provincial Government of Pontevedra


Xunta de Galicia

Xunta de Galicia


The Compostela Group of Universities promotes the signature of declarations aimed at fulfilling its mission of contributing to quality and innovation in Higher Education. By signing these declarations, it invites other actors to join this mission.


Declaration of Presidents and Rectors

Camino de Santiago entre Volcanes:
creating a space for the exchange and sharing of knowledge and experiences related to universities, territory and sustainable tourism.


Statement to condemn the Russian military actions in Ukraine.


“Ribeira Sacra”

Solemn declaración of Rectors on the Camino de Santiago.


Declaration of Rectors

The Value of Human Rights on the Camino de Santiago:
Harnessing the Power of Tourism to Promote Cross-Cultural Dialogue and Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals


Groningen Declaration

Signing as a signatory of the Groningen Declaration of the Compostela University Group.


The Poznan Declaration