University of Piura

History and objectives
Universidad de Piura started its activities in 1969 with only nine teachers and 97 students in the city of Piura in the northern part of Peru. UDEP currently has more than 7,000 students and over 400 teachers. Our campus in Piura is a Green Campus built on 130 hectares of a dry forest. We have a Campus in Lima located in the district of Miraflores, which is the touristic and cultural heart of the capital. Finally, our School of Management called PAD that since 1979 provides professional development programs for entrepreneurs and managers.
The principles that guide UDEP are:
- 1. To provide a comprehensive professional training and education to our students, so that they can effectively serve the society. The slogan that defines UDEP is “Better people, better professionals”.
- 2. To promote and disseminate scientific research in all fields. Our main research fields are Sustainable Engineering, Reforestation, Water Resources, Agribusiness, Optimization, Process Automation and Control, Microeconomics, Government of people, among others.
- 3. To ensure equal opportunities giving access to higher education to every talented person, regardless of its economic possibilities, social origin, race or religion. Our university has different scholarship programs and nearly 90% of our students receive some form of financial aid.
- 4. To carry out service learning programs in the areas of teaching and scientific activity. Our University has a Projects Office responsible for the planning and execution of projects related to solidarity and socially responsibility.
Governing team
Chancellor, vice-chancellor, Academic Council, recor, Secretary General and four vice-rectors.
Piura and Lima.
International programmes
- Erasmus+.
- 100,000 Strong in the Americas.
- Summer Programs and Faculty-led programes for international students.
March – July / August – December.
- Business.
- Service Management.
- Economics.
- Accounting.
- Architecture.
- Civil Eng.
- Industrial and Systems Eng.
- Mechanical-Electrical Eng.
- Education.
- History and Cultural Management.
- Psychology.
- Medicine.
- Communication.

- Bachelor.
- Master.
- Doctorate.
- Certificate.