University of Lima
History and objectives
It was founded in 1962 as a private autonomous institution.
Governing team
University Assembly, University Council (rector and vice-rectors) and Faculties’ Council.
Campus of Lima.
International programmes
International agreements with USA, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia; Member of university consortium with other 3 universities of Peru; member of Universia Network.
From March to December (March-July, August-December).
- Accountancy.
- Administration.
- Communication.
- Economics.
- Industrial Engineering.
- Psychology.
- Law.
- Systems Engineering.
- School of Postgraduate Studies.
Profesional Titel (5 years)
- Accountancy.
- Business Administration.
- Communication.
- Economics.
- Industrial engineering.
- Systems Engineering.
- Law.
- Psychology.
Bachelor (5 years)
- All departments.
Masters (2 years)
- All departments.