Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC)

History and objectives
INTEC was founded in 1971 by a group of Dominican university professors who made the decision of creating a small institution mainly aimed at offering postgraduate courses, continuing education programmes, executive studies and research in non-traditional areas.
The university’s mission is preparing professionals that are internationally competitive, with critical and creative judgment, social responsibility, with the capacities to contribute to the necessary transformations of the Dominican society and to the country’s scientific-technological competitiveness, through teaching, research and extension.
Governing bodies
INTEC has four management bodies: the General Assembly, the Board of Regents, the Rectory and the Academic Council.
The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of INTEC, composed of the founding members and those of the Board of Regents constituted in the General Assembly.
The Board of Regents is the management and legal representative body of INTEC and the legal administrator of its assets. It is made up of fifteen people, among which is the Rector of INTEC. By statutory mandate, graduates constitute the majority.
The Rectory is the directive body in which the highest executive authority for the immediate government of INTEC resides.
The Academic Council is the institutional body that plans academic policy in accordance with the guidelines of the Board of Regents. Its members are the Rector, who presides over it, the Vice-chancellors and the Deans of the Academic Areas and Divisions.
INTEC has 83 classrooms distributed among 8 of its 12 buildings.
In the centre of the Campus is the Emilio Rodríguez Demorizi Library, foundational for university life because of its important educational function. It offers its services to INTEC’s community and the general public. It has two auditoriums: Julio Ravelo de la Fuente and the Osvaldo García de la Concha for the development of academic, artistic and cultural activities.
Academic calendar
The academic calendar is divided into quarters:
- August to October.
- November to January.
- February to April.
- May to July.
Academic departments
The academic areas of INTEC comprise subject areas that are the core of the academic experience of undergraduate and postgraduate students. In addition to this essential function, they carry out research and consulting, through thematic centres, laboratories and specialised teaching groups.
The academic areas of INTEC are the following:
- Basic and Environmental Sciences.
- Health Sciences.
- Social Sciences and Humanities.
- Engineering.
- Economy and Business.
Academic programmes
INTEC academic offer includes 34 graduate and 41 postgraduate programmes.
International programmes
2+2 Programmes in the areas of Environmental, Aerospace, Mechanical, Architectural Chemical and Sciences Engineering; as well as Energy, Biological and Environmental sciences.
Find here the most recent information on international programmes of INTEC.