Programme for the Development of Virtual Exchange VE-COIL

The programme for the Development of Virtual Exchange VE-COIL emerges as a tool to promote cooperation and internationalization of learning among the members of the Compostela Group of Universities (CGU). In order to ensure the implementation of this programme, the CGU has created Universities for Virtual Exchange network,  which will integrate those member Universities that are committed to bringing virtual exchanges closer to their university community

The members of Universities for Virtual Exchange network will appoint a programme coordinator who will facilitate the dissemination of relevant information in his/her university, support the teaching staff in attending training workshops and encourage their participation in the calls.

Reasons for incorporating virtual exchanges into the university experience

Internationalisation of learning and capacity building. Virtual exchanges are an innovative educational tool that offers teachers the opportunity to internationalise their classrooms and helps students to develop their digital and intercultural skills.

Internationalisation at home. Participants have an international experience in their classrooms, breaking down the economic barrier of stays abroad. Universities are strengthening their links with other national and international institutions, which will encourage the development of future projects and joint initiatives.

Teacher training and educational innovation course Online Intercultural Collaborative Learning based on the COIL model

With this course, teachers and professors from the members of the Compostela Group of Universities and the International Association of La Salle Universities are able to get training on the characteristics, challenges and structure of the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) model.

During the six-week Training and educational innovation course “Collaborative Online Intercultural Learning”, participants learn how to design an intercultural collaborative strategy.


Training directors

The CGU and University La Salle Mexico cooperate with the aim of offering this free course to teachers and professors of both networks. Thus, the University assumes teaching responsibilities for the course and both institutions the co-leading of the training, with the goal of bringing teachers from the five continents closer.


Discover the programme

Below, you will find the main contents of the online course.

  1. The COIL model and cross-cultural competences.
  2. The partnership between teachers.
  3. Learning outcomes.
  4. Planning the syllabus.
  5. Being digital.
  6. The challenges of collaboration.

Read the full programme of the training

Teacher training and educational innovation course Online intercultural collaborative learning. 


Create your telecollaboration project

During the course, you will work together with your training partner to develop your telecollaboration project, which you will be able to implement in the following academic years.


Key information

Registration fee. This a free course.

Duration. 28 June – 9 August 2021. 6 weeks.

Modality. Online. Asynchronous.

Working language. Training and materials are available in English and/or Spanish. Asynchronous.

Registration period. Registration is open until 5 June 2021. Please read the full programme before registering to fill in properly the form.

Online form (closed). 


Kick-off meetings

University La Salle Mexico communicates the following information in relation to the kick-off meetings of the course.

1. Kick-off meeting CGU-COIL in English Europe. Initially planned for Monday 28 June and moved to Tuesday 29 June 2021. 18:00 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) and 11:00 (Mexico City, Mexico).

2. Kick-off meeting CGU-COIL in English America. Initially planned for Monday 28 June and moved to Tuesday 29 June 2021. 18:00 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) and 11:00 (Mexico City, Mexico).

3. Kick-off meeting CGU-COIL in Spanish Europe. Monday 28 June 2021. 18:00 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) and 11:00 (Mexico City, Mexico).

4. Kick-off meeting CGU-COIL in Spanish America. Monday 28 June 2021. 18:00 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) and 11:00 (Mexico City, Mexico).



What is Virtual Exchange?

Virtual exchange (VE), also commonly referred to as telecollaboration or Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), is a broad term used to describe different approaches to engaging students in online intercultural collaboration projects with partners from different cultural contexts within their programmes of study and under the guidance of teachers or trained facilitators. Virtual Exchange has become a very popular way for teachers across all subject areas to internationalise their classrooms and to give their students first-hand experience of intercultural communication and using their digital skills.

The Virtual Exchange-COIL initiatives are one of the means used by the Compostela Group of Universities to foster cooperation and the internationalisation of learning among its members. Through the participation in COILs or virtual exchanges, professors and students of our network:

  • Experience a multicultural experience in the classroom.
  • Engage their classes in collaboration with international students and professors.
  • Get to know new learning and teaching techniques.
  • Develop their foreign language skills and their ability to use online technologies.

Thus, a virtual collaboration between students and teachers from different countries and cultures facilitates the development of competences and skills in multicultural environments.