President’s welcome
Welcome to the Compostela Group of Universities and thank you for visiting our website!
The Compostela Group of Universities (CGU) was founded in 1994 thanks to the willing power of the Universidad of Santiago de Compostela. Over the next 3 decades, the CGU fulfilled its initial promise, growing steadily into what is currently a strong network of more than 60 universities around the world.
In 2020, the CGU was recognised as an association of public benefit, due to its active role in achieving excellence in higher education, its contribution to the dissemination of cultural heritage and common Universal values through its activities and initiatives, and, not least, its transparency in management.
Known for its strategic thinking and its creative and inclusive activities, the CGU aims to embrace Higher Education Institutions worldwide that are interested in academic cooperation and institutional development.
Please navigate our website to get to know us better, and do reach out if you feel that the CGU is the best for your academic community!
I am very much looking forward to meeting you in person in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Carla Martins
President of the Compostela Group of Universities
New Year greetings from the President of the Compostela Group of Universities
The Compostela Group of Universities (CGU) was founded in 1994 thanks to the willing power of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Then, maps were carefully studied so to identify the universities that fell on, or were close to, the numerous pilgrimage ways of the Apostol Santiago in order to create a network of universities united in their desire to develop or strengthen academic and scientific cooperation. The University of Minho (UMinho), located in Braga and Guimarães in the north of Portugal, had the honour of being invited as one of the founding members of the CGU. Over the next three decades, the CGU fulfilled its initial promise, growing steadily into what is currently a strong network of more than 60 universities around the world. In 2020, a major milestone was achieved with the recognition of CGU as an association of public benefit, due to its active role in achieving excellence in higher education, its contribution to the dissemination of cultural heritage and common Universal values through its activities and initiatives, and, as important, its transparency in management. In the 30 th year of its activities and with the aim to serve, and work towards the strengthening of, the CGU and its community, I, Carla Martins, Assistant Professor at the University of Minho, Pro-rector for Internationalisation between 2014 and 2021, stood in the 2023 elections for the position of president of the Compostela Group of Universities, and was elected with the following strategic plan for the 2024-2027 horizon.
Programme of Activities and Executive Committee
Mandate 2024-2027
With the aim of steering the pathway of the Compostela Group in the upcoming mandate, six strategic axes are delineated, the visions of which shall be operationalised through sixteen key actions. Whereas some are devoted to nurturing CGU’s activities and identity (Axes 1 and 2), others are aimed at designing the forward paths of the network (Axes 3, 4, and 5). The final one is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, and is meant to highlight and promote the CGU’s social and environmental responsibilities for a more sustainable world (Axis 6) (cf. (i) Strategic Axes and key actions).
Strategic axes and key actions
Axis 1 – On recurring activities
Nurturing the excellence of the CGU and strengthening its international visibility through its successful activities and initiatives.
The first axis focuses on nurturing the successful recurring activities of CGU aimed at students, lecturers, researchers, administrative, technical and managerial staff, rectors and presidents, and towards the members’ academic communities through the General Assembly. All activities are the testimony of the vibrant, inclusive, and progressive network the CGU is, and how it has been translating its mission and vision in a set of prosperous activities that leave no one behind.
Axis 1 will be operationalized through two key actions:
Key action 1 – Nurturing the excellence in CGU’s ongoing and successful activities for all sectors of academia, namely (i) students – the mobility programme Stella Junior, the Compostela Debate Tournament in partnership with the University of Pécs, and the Research Pitches Contest, this last one also aimed at researchers; (ii) faculty members – joint established Chairs with member universities, of which the CGU was the pioneer; (iii) Administrative, technical and managerial staff – the mobility programme Stella for Staff; (iv) Rectors and Presidents and other university leaders (e.g., Vice-rectors, Vice-Presidents, Deans) – strategic meetings aimed at creating a space for the exchange and sharing of knowledge and experiences concerning higher education on pressing and/or emerging topics (e.g., digital transformation, artificial intelligence, new graduate studies format) as well as cultural visits to the venue; CGU network – Annual General Assembly to appreciate the activities and accounts of the preceding year and getting to know the proposed activities and budget for the subsequent one.
Additionally, many other activities have been carried out over the years that, though not recurring, have been successful and are worth stimulating. Thus, under the umbrella named Compostela Academy on the Camino, the CGU, as the only academic network created around a cultural itinerary, seeks to use the Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago) as a link to implementing diverse higher education activities.
Key action 2 – Promoting the International Prize Grupo Compostela – Xunta de Galicia on the global arena. The International Prize Grupo Compostela-Xunta de Galicia, established in 1996, aims at distinguishing an individual or institution, that has stood out due to their work in favour of the European unity and the preservation of the cultural heritage of the Camino de Santiago and its values, as a symbol of concord, justice and freedom. The gallery of all recipients of the International Prize Grupo Compostela-Xunta de Galicia to date reveals a group of eminent individuals and organisations that elevates the CGU as a global actor. For the years to come, the International Prize Grupo Compostela-Xunta de Galicia is to be promoted as one of the leading initiatives for the strengthening of the visibility of the CGU and the Xunta de Galicia on the global scene in academia, science and the society in general.
Axis 2 – On communication
Preserving the History of the CGU and disseminating its identity and activities in the social media.
The second axis is centred on communication about the past and present of the CGU, highlighting the linkages between the historical elements, upon which the Group was founded with the perseverance of respect of cultural values also in current, modern times. Thus, it aims to preserve the History of the CGU, on the one hand, and to disseminate its identity and activities in social media, on the other hand.
Axis 2 will be operationalized through two key actions:
Key action 3 – Preserving the CGU’s History through the writing of a digital book on the occasion of the network’s foundation in 1994, and its subsequent growth over three decades.
Key action 4 – Reinforcing the CGU’s identity in the social media (e.g., Facebook and Instagram, COMPOSNET) through the regular sharing of the news on its activities and other actions fit for the purpose. This will enable a successful dissemination of information among the CGU members and for the possibility of them sharing news that are of particular interest to their institution (e.g., the testimony of a staff member that has been involved in a Stella for Staff mobility; the announcement of the winners of the Research Pitches contest).
Axis 3 – On strategy
Promoting the CGU and lifting its importance to a global actor.
The third axis aims at spurring the strategic strengthening of the CGU by reinforcing links with existing partnerships, on the one hand, and developing complementarity with other initiatives or networks, on the other hand.
Axis 3 will be operationalized through two key actions.
Key action 5 – Embracing the members from outside Europe and developing close connections to other organisations, groupings or networks, in which the CGU members are already strongly involved, such as the Consorcio para la Colaboración de la Educación Superior en América del Norte (CONAHEC), the Asociación Mexicana para la Educación Internacional (AMPEI), the Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES), the Associação Brasileira de Educação Internacional (FAUBAI), the Asociación de Universidades Colombianas (ASCUN), and several European Universities Alliances.
Key action 6 – Developing complementarity with other initiatives or networks, namely the European Universities Alliances or the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, as examples of two initiatives with which the CGU will look for points of convergence and mutual benefits for development and enrichment.
Axis 4 – On growth
Stabilisation of the membership structure and welcoming newcomers through a geographical strategy of new memberships of Higher Education Institutions in Europe, Americas and North Africa.
The fourth axis is designed at the consolidation and growth of the CGU by strengthening the bonds among, and commitment of, current members, on the one hand, and by bringing in new institutions, on the other hand.
Axis 4 will be operationalized through three key actions:
Key action 7 – Inviting new members from within the European Union and beyond, by identifying institutions of higher education in strategic European countries in order to achieve a global vision of the potential collaborations, on the one hand, and reinforcing the presence of the CGU in under-represented countries (e.g., Belgium, France, Netherlands, UK), on the other hand.
Key action 8 – Inviting new members from the Americas through the involvement of the existing members into a further dissemination of the CGU’s unique features and scope towards achieving new memberships in North and Central America, the Caribbean, and across South America.
Key action 9 – Reaching out to new potential members in the region of North Africa by approaching institutions of higher education in the north of Africa, namely, Morocco, in an initial phase. Upon success of this initial phase, institutions from other North African countries, and eventually Eastern Mediterranean, can be approached.
Axis 5 – On the future
Projecting the CGU into the next decade
The fifth axis aims at projecting the CGU into the next decade, namely through an internationalisation strategy anchored in the development of new initiatives as well as the submission of project applications under the Erasmus+ programme, as the coordinator institution.
Axis 5 will be operationalized through two key actions:
Key action 10 – Developing new activities for the CGU community, e.g., Summer School Projects, Inter-Cultural Workshops, Blended Intensive Programme among CGU member universities with a direct involvement or auspices of the CGU as a whole.
Key action 11 – Preparing project applications to be submitted, under the Erasmus+ programme (e.g., Partnerships for Cooperation, Knowledge Alliances). This key action aims at building upon the CGU’s strengths as coordinator of international consortiums in a diverse set of topics, on the one hand, and, simultaneously, at strengthening the CGU’s financial sustainability.
Axis 6 – On sustainability
Implementing initiatives for people with fewer opportunities – social cohesion –, and for an ecological consciousness within the network and its activities – environmental sustainability
The sixth axis is designed at developing a branch of actions on sustainability understood in the broadest of senses, through the promotion of social cohesion, on the one hand, and environmental sustainability, on the other hand. The purpose is to contribute to social and ecological responsible citizenship by supporting the members of the CGU on a systematic pathway towards a transition to a sustainable society. More specifically, on social cohesion it is designed at developing a branch of actions aimed for people with fewer opportunities, strategically aligned with SDG, 4 [Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all] (cf. Key action 12). On environmental sustainability it is devoted to the promotion of ecological responsibility, addressing challenges and searching for solutions towards environmental sustainability. It is strategically aligned with SDG 13 [Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts] (cf. Key actions 13-16), among others.
Axis 6 will be operationalized through five key actions:
Key action 12 –To develop a CGU fund for the financial support of student grants for postgraduate studies, by promoting institutional activities by the CGU members, as well as stimulating crowd funding initiatives.
Key action 13 – To reduce the ecological impact (or footprint) of the General Assembly meetings and of recurring activities by suggesting a number of activities, such as eliminating paper print outs, reducing waste and encouraging sustainable consumption.
Key action 14 – To raise the awareness and engagement around sustainable actions by introducing seminars, workshops, and key note speakers in the area during the annual meetings.
Key action 15 – To promote and support the sharing of good practices among the CGU members on sustainability taken as a comprehensive concept – environmental, social, etc.
Key action 16 – To establish an annual prize to be awarded to initiatives with the best sustainability practice implemented by a CGU member in the preceding years.
Carla Martins • President 2024-2027