Photograph courtesy of Masaryk University.

Those interested in taking the courses can submit their applications until 15 May 2023.

Masaryk University (MU) proposes discounts to students from the member institutions of the network in its Intensive Summer School 2023, which catalogue includes one online and 14 two-week in-person courses. The training cover areas such as health sciences, arts and humanities, or social and legal sciences. Specifically, MU offers courses in the following fields of study: art, culture, economics and business, language, law, political science, research, science, sociology, outdoor education and sports.

In the offering of the Intensive Summer School 2023‘s in-person and online training, key information about each of them is detailed. For example, the duration, the dates, an academic overview, the registration fee or their recognition in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

Generally, the main requirement for enrolment is being over 18 years of age and enrolled at a university. However, those interested in taking the courses are advised to consult the detailed information on the courses. After making sure that they meet the conditions, they can apply until 15 May via the Masaryk University application for incoming mobility page.

Regarding registration, the UM offers a discount of 100 euros on the fees for students from member institutions of the Compostela Group of Universities, applicable to two-week intensive courses and those offered in online mode.

The enrolment fee for in-person courses includes tuition fees, accommodation, opening and closing receptions, cultural activities in Brno, a day trip to another nearby European city and the social programme.