Lodz University

Address: ul. Narutowicza 65
PC: 90-131
City: Lódz
Country: Poland
Phone: (48 42) 635 40 00
IRO Email

History and objectives

It was founded the 24th May 1945, as a continuation of the achievements and traditions of educational institutions functioning in Lódz in the interwar period – the Teacher Training Institute (1921-1928), the Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences (1924-1928) and a division of the Free Polish University (1928-1939).

The University of Lódz today is the biggest high school of the Lódz region. Most of the students attend full-time day studies, though in recent years system of extramural and evening courses has been developed and is growing in popularity. The forms of education vary – there are college studies, vocational studies, M.A. programmes and Ph.D. programmes. During the 60 years of the existence of the University of Lódz, diplomas have been granted to over 125.000 students. The highest ranking academic achievement are in such scientific disciplines as biology, economics and sociology, and these followed by chemistry, physics, the philologies, philosophy and history, geography, mathematics, law. According to assessments conducted by the Committee of Research Studies, the University of Lódz belongs in the forefront of Polish universities as far as research studies are concerned.

Governing Team

Rectorate (Rector, Pro-rector for Research, Pro-rector for Teaching, Pro-rector for student Matters and University Branches, Pro-rector for International Relations and Pro-rector for Economic Matters ) and Senate.


Campus of Lódz.

International programmes

  • Socrates Programme (ERASMUS with 146 bilateral agreements).
  • Ceepus.
  • Jean Monnet.
  • Leonardo.
  • COMENIUS Programme.
  • Staff Mobility.
  • 90 agreements of cooperation with international institutions
  • the 5th and the 6th EU Framework Programme.


The academic year at Polish university generally consists of two 15 week semesters. The winter semester starts in the first week of October and lasts till mid February, with a two-week break for Christmas holidays and one-week vacation in February. The winter semester examination session usually takes place at the turn of January. The summer semester starts in mid February and lasts till the end of September, with one-week break for Easter vacations in April and summer holidays which start at the beginning of July and end on 30th September. June is reserved for examinations and September for make-up exams.

Additional information

In the last few years centres have been formed from within faculties, as for example, the Centre for European Studies, Centre of Translation and Interpretation Studies, Centre for European Local Development and Spatial Policy, Christian Thought Research Centre, Women’s Studies Centre as well as the Centre of the Polish Committee for Cooperation with Alliance Française and Regional Centre for Patent Information at the University of Lódz. University of Lódz offers also special studies in cooperation with foreign universities which lead to obtaining double diplomas. Polish-French Special Studies in Management. The graduates receive Polish M.A. diploma in French DESS-CAAE IAE diploma of the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Polish-American Managerial Studies Programme – Executive MBA (EMBA). Its graduates are awarded M.A. diploma of U and a certificate of the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. The agreement with the University of Lancaster has allowed for introduction of 2-year post-graduate Master degree studies leading to a Magister diploma of U and a Master of Art diploma in Computer-based English Language Studies of the University of Lancaster. The University of Lódz also takes pride in the first Polish Language School of Foreign Students in Poland which has been in operation since 1952. It is the oldest and the biggest centre for foreigners which prepares them to study in Poland.


Full-degree – 5 years Master and Doctorate in each field of study
  • Administration.
  • Archaeology.
  • Biology.
  • Chemistry.
  • Classical Philology.
  • Culture Studies.
  • Economics.
  • Environmental Protection.
  • Ethnology.
  • Finance and Banking.
  • Foreign Languages Philology.
  • Geography.
  • History.
  • History of Art.
  • Informatics.
  • Informatics and Econometrics.
  • International Relations.
  • Law.
  • Librarianship and Social Communication.
  • Management and Marketing.
  • Mathematics.
  • Pedagogy.
  • Philosophy.
  • Physics.
  • Psychology.
  • Site Planning.
  • Sociology.
New Professional BA Studies (3 years): fields of studies
  • European Studies.
  • Tourism and Recreation.