Karlstad University

History and objectives
Karlstad University became a university in 1999. But there is a ling tradition of higher education in Karlstad. There’s been teacher education here since 1843, and it goes on to this day.
Discover some milestones from Karlstad University history here.
Governing team
- Rector / Vice-chancellor.
- Deputy Vice-chancellors.
- University Director.
- Campus of Karlstad.
International programmes
The University is actively participating in educational and research programs of the National Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development as well as in European Union funded programmes. Programmes funded by the Nordic Ministry, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida and more.
- OECD Project.
- Staff mobility.
- International European Agreements.
The academic year is structured in two semesters: Autumn and Spring.
- Autumn semester from August to January.
- Spring semester from January to June.
The Introduction Week normally stars one week before the official start of the semester.
Karlstad University has two faculties for education and research, comprising a number of disciplines organised in eleven departments.
- Department of Artistic Studies.
- Department of Artistic Studies.
- Department of Political, Historical, Religious and Cultural Studies.
- Department of Social and Psychological Studies.
- Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies.
- Department of Geography, Media and Communication.
- Department of Educational Studies.
- Department of Environmental and Life Sciences.
- Department of Health Sciences.
- Department of Engineering and Chemical Sciences.
- Department of Engineering and Physics.
- Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Please find the most recent information here.
There is also an Office and a governing body for teacher education.

The university offers education on the first, second and third level. A number of degree programmes are offered taught in Swedish and English.
Please find the most recent information here.