Various moments during the round table “Heritage as a shared responsibility”.

This meeting, hosted by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), seeks to promote an academic integration agreement that strengthens the strategic alliance between the European Union and Latin America.

The executive secretary of the Compostela Group of Universities, María Teresa Carballeira Rivera, represented the network last week at the International Congress “Heritage, a shared responsibility”. The event was organised by the Hispania Nostra Association, which focuses on the defence, promotion and enhancement of cultural and natural heritage as a vector for social and economic development.

This congress took place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Geography and History of the USC and has served to reflect and discuss extensively on European, American and Iberian experiences. María Teresa Carballeira represented the Iberian Peninsula in the round table “Heritage and Education”, together with Felipe Fernández-Armesto, professor Wm. P. Reynolds Professor at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, representing Europe, and Alfredo Luis Conti, Professor at the National University of La Plata (Argentina), representing America. The round table was moderated by Olaia Fontal Merillas, director of the Observatory of Heritage Education in Spain and professor at the University of Valladolid.

On the left and in the centre of the pictures, María Teresa Carballeira Rivera, executive secretary of the Compostela Group of Universities (CGU), during the event, accompanied by the authorities present.