From left to right, Inés Toca, María Teresa Carballeira Rivera, and Eva López Barrio.

The Compostela Group of Universities (CGU) and Alumni USC agreed to explore ways of collaboration in the development of joint projects and initiatives.

María Teresa Carballeira Rivera, the executive secretary of the Compostela Group of Universities (CGU), and Eva López Barrio, the president of the Alumni Association of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), held a meeting today at the office of the executive secretariat in the Galician capital. The technical manager of the association, Inés Toca, also took part.

During the meeting, they discussed the main lines of work of both institutions and explored opportunities for cooperation in joint projects and initiatives. In addition, it was agreed to publish an article on the CGU in issue 46 of the Fonseca magazine, published by Alumni. They also addressed the possible collaboration of the network in the XXX Meeting of the Alumni Federation Spain, which will take place in 2026 in Santiago de Compostela, coinciding with the thirtieth anniversary of Alumni USC.

Alumni Association of the University of Santiago de Compostela

The Association of former students and friends of the University of Santiago de Compostela includes students who studied at the USC and those who are currently studying there, as well as all those who wish to maintain a link with this institution of higher education.

This association was created in 1996, coinciding with the commemoration of the V Centenary of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Its main objective was to encourage former students to meet and strengthen their relationship with the university. In addition to supporting the institution and enhancing its prestige.