Universidad de Malta

History and Objectives
The University of Malta traces its origins to the founding of the Collegium Melitense, set up by the Jesuits through direct papal intervention in 1592. After their expulsion from Malta in 1768, the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Manuel Pinto da Fonseca appropriated all their assets and established a ‘Pubblica Università di Studi Generali’. Napoleon Bonaparte briefly put an end to formal university teaching when he abolished the University in 1798. However, British Admiral and Civil Commissioner of Malta, Sir Alexander Ball reinstituted the University after the French’s departure in 1800. Following WWII the university continued to strengthen its structures undergoing a series of changes in its statues and regulations which brought it in line with UK universities.
The University of Malta is the highest teaching institution in Malta open to all those who have the requisite qualifications. The University’s structures are in line with the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area. It provides high-quality education in the arts, sciences and humanities.
The university’s insignia, inspired by Grand Master Pinto’s coat of arms and the motto ‘Ut Fructificemus Deo’ (Latin translation ‘We should bring forth fruit unto God’) was designed in 1923. In 2017 the university logo underwent significant changes. While maintaining its main characteristics the new logo brings the university’s brand identity forward. The University strives to create courses which are relevant and timely in response to the needs of the nation. Simultaneously, it is outward-looking, attracting international students around the world.
Governing Team
The supreme governing body is composed by the Council and the Senate. Find more information on this document.
- Msida Campus
- Valletta Campus
- Gozo Campus and Junior College
International Programmes
International programmes through international memberships with various university groups:
- European University Association (EUA)
- European Access Network (EAN)
- Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
- Utrecht Network
- Compostela Group of Universities
- Santander Group of Universities
- European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN)
- International Student Exchange Programme (ISEP)
- European Association of Erasmus Coordinators (EAEC)
The University of Malta collaborates also with the following institutions:
- George Mason University (USA)
- Western Australia and Western Australia Museum
- King’s College, London (UK)
- International Ocean Institute (United Nations)
- University of New Orleans (USA)
- University of Iliinois (USA)
- Shanghai University of Traditional Medicine and Culture (China)
- James Madison University (USA)
1st semester (October – February), 2nd semester (February – June/July) and 3rd semester (June – September).
- Arts
- Built Environment
- Dental Surgery
- Economics, Management and Accountancy
- Education
- Engineering
- Health Sciences
- Information and Communication Technology
- Laws
- Media, Communications & Technology Law
- Medicine and surgery
- Science
- Social Wellbeing
- Theology

- Anthropological Sciences
- Art and Art History
- Classics & Archaeology
- English
- French
- Geography
- German
- History
- International Relations
- Italian
- Maltese
- Oriental Studies
- Philosophy
- Sociology
- Spanish & Latin American Studies
- Translation, Terminology & Interpreting Studies
Built Environment
- Architecture & Urban Design
- Civil & Structural Engineering
- Conservation & Built Heritage
- Construction & Property Management
- Environmental Design
- Spatial Planning & Infrastructure
- Visual Arts
Dental Surgery
- Child Dental Health and Orthodontics
- Dental Surgery
- Oral Rehabilitation and Community Care
- Restorative Dentistry
Economics, Management and Accountancy
- Accountancy
- Banking & Finance
- Economics
- Insurance
- Management
- Marketing
- Public Policy
- Arts, Open Communities & Adult Education
- Early Childhood & Primary Education
- Education Studies
- Health, Physical Education & Consumer Studies
- Inclusion & Access to Learning
- Languages & Humanities Education
- Leadership for Learning & Innovation
- Mathematics & Science Education
- Technology & Entrepreneurship Education
- Electronic Systems Engineering
- Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
- Industrial Electrical Power Conversion
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
- Systems & Control Engineering
Health Sciences
- Applied Biomedical Science
- Communication Therapy
- Food Sciences and Nutrition
- Health Services Management
- Medical Physics
- Mental Health
- Midwifery
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry
- Radiography
Information and Communication Technology
- Artificial Intelligence
- Communications & Computer Engineering
- Computer Information Systems
- Computer Science
- Microelectronics & Nanoelectronics
- Civil Law
- Commercial Law
- Criminal Law
- Environmental & Resources Law
- European & Comparative Law
- International Law
- Legal History & Methodology
Media, Communications & Technology Law
- Public Law
- Media and knowledge sciences
- Cognitive Science
- Corporate Communication
- Digital Arts
- Information Policy & Governance
- Library Information & Archive Sciences
- Media & Communications
Medicine and surgery
- Anatomy
- Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Family Medicine
- Medicine
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Paediatrics
- Pathology
- Pharmacy
- Physiology & Biochemistry
- Psychiatry
- Public Health
- Surgery
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Geosciences
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Statistics & Operations Research
- Metamaterials Unit
Social Wellbeing
- Counselling
- Criminology
- Disability Studies
- Family Studies
- Gender Studies
- Gerontology
- Psychology
- Social Policy & Social Work
- Youth & Community Studies
- Church History
- Fundamental & Dogmatic Theology
- Moral Theology
- Pastoral Theology, Liturgy & Canon Law
- Philosophy
- Sacred Scripture, Hebrew & GreekSacred Scripture
A number of interdisciplinary institutes and centres have been set up in various fields. More information here.