Elections for the Presidency of the Compostela Group of Universities (2023)

The Compostela Group of Universities (CGU) will hold elections for the Presidency in 2023.

This section contains all the information necessary to know the procedure of the CGU presidential elections to maintain a fair, democratic and transparent electoral process. The aim is to help the Rectors and Presidents of the full-members universities of the network to actively participate in the whole electoral process.




    For the 2023 elections for the Presidency of the Compostela Group of Universities, one candidacy has been received and it has been submitted by Professor Carla Martins, from the University of Minho (Portugal).

    Candidature of professor Carla Martins


    Second half of January 2023: Launch of the call for elections.

    21 April 2023: Deadline for submitting candidatures for President.

    Second half of May 2023: Announcement of candidatures received and the agenda for the General Council meeting. Publication of the electoral roll.

    31 July 2023: Deadline for sending in proxy delegation vote, if necessary.

    21 September 2023: Election day to be held.

    Election calendar

    Agenda – General Council meeting

    Find the agenda of the General Council meeting here.


    What are we going to elect?

    The electoral roll of the Compostela Group of Universities will elect who will hold the presidency of the network for the next four years (2024-2027 period): The President and her/his Executive Committee.

    The President and her/his team are called the “Executive Committee”, which must be composed of the following members: President, nominal member, ex officio member, at least 9 elected members, and the Executive Secretary.




    The role of the President is to represent the CGU in both internal and external relations, as well as to carry out the decisions of the network’s General Council, whose ordinary and extraordinary meetings are also convened by the President.

    Executive Committee:

    The President and her/his Executive Committee are responsible for the day-to-day management of the CGU and for organising the meetings of the General Council and the General Assembly.

    It is responsible for discussing and approving all documentation prepared by the Executive Secretary for presentation to the General Council, such as minutes, financial reports and budgets, annual reports, the programme of activities, proposals for the admission of new member institutions and as many reports as it deems appropriate to submit to the General Council to ensure the smooth running of the network.

    Presentation of candidatures

    The highest representatives of the CGU’s full-member universities may submit candidacies for President.

    The deadline for submission of candidacies is 21 April 2023, and the following three steps are required to do it:

    1. To complete the candidacy form, which asks for the candidate for President and the Executive Committee he or she proposes, including their first and last name, home university, position at their home university, email address and contact telephone number.

    2. To gather the following information and documentation:
    a. Curriculum vitae of the candidate;
    b. Full names of at least 9 members of the Executive Committee;
    c. Letter of support for the candidature from the home universities of the candidate and the proposed Executive Committee;
    d. Memorandum with the programme of activities.

    3. To send all together, by email with acknowledgement of reading, to the Executive Secretary before the given deadline (21 April 2023).

    Candidacy form

    Participation and proxy voting

    The election day will be held on 21 September 2023 during the General Council meeting, in the framework of the XXIX General Assembly to be held at the University of Seville (Spain) on 21-22 September 2023.

    The each full-member university of the CGU has the option of “one vote”, and all their Rectors and Presidents (or equivalent positions) are expected to attend in person to vote. If they are unable to travel, they may delegate their vote to the person attending from their own university or from another member university, using the official proxy delegation form. This has to be sent by email, electronically signed, to grupo.compostela@usc.es, by 31 July 2023.

    Proxy delegation form


    Quick guide

    Below you will find a quick reference guide to the CGU 2023 presidential elections that includes the key information provided in this web section and other relevant statutory details to ensure a proper active participation throughout the election process:

    Quick reference guide


    For more information, a link to the network’s statutes is available here.