Eastern European University Association (EEUA)

History and objectives
The Eastern European University Association (EEUA) was founded in 2010 by Russian and Ukrainian State Universities as a non-profit organisation. EEUA main goal is to develop international education at Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian universities. Every year the Eastern European University Association attends all main conferences, global meetings, workshops and fairs around the world to promote associate universities of Eastern European countries.
EEUA main functions are:
1. To promote associate universities by:
- Attending main international education expos abroad.
- Organising own educational exhibition/seminars abroad.
2. To organise The International Universities Networking Conference, which helps associate universities to set up cooperation with foreign universities.
3. To set up cooperation between foreign and associate universities.
4. To organise seminars on international students’ recruitment for associate universities.
5. To recruit and coordinate agencies which promote education in associate universities.
EEUA universities are very well established and have a centuries-long history of education. Besides, all of them provide quality education according to European standards since states are members of the Bologna Process.

Operational environment
The Eastern European University Association represents the interests of universities from Russian and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Moreover, EEUA facilitates Higher Education internationalisation and university cooperation development.