CGU Maris
The Compostela Group of Universities (CGU) fosters the participation of students from the network’s member universities in the CGU Maris project. This initiative is funded by the General Secretariat of Universities of the Regional Government of Galicia and developed in conjunction with the Traslatio Foundation through its Iacobus Maris programme. A programme that commemorates the journey of the body of the Apostle James from the Palestinian port of Jaffa to its culmination in the capital of Galicia, crossing the Mare Nostrum from East to West.
The 15 people selected to participate in the project will make a seven-day voyage aboard the schooner Atyla, during which they will live with the crew and mentors. The vessel will depart from the Matosinhos dock in the Portuguese city of Porto and will arrive at the Trasatlánticos dock in the Spanish city of Vigo. The journey will include stops at various points along the way. Those taking part in the project will be transported by different means of transport and will complete the last kilometres of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela on foot.

You can see the photo album here.
Contributing to the improvement of training and the development of the skills of young people
Promoting the knowledge of the tangible and intangible heritage of the Camino de Santiago
Facilitating the enjoyment of a multicultural experience
CGU Maris is a project led by the Compostela Group of Universities.
This initiative has the financial support of the General Secretariat of Universities of the Regional Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia).

The Traslatio Foundation, Sail Training España and Cenaútica collaborate with the grant programme of this project.

Target group
Students from the CGU member universities can apply to participate in the first edition of the CGU Maris.

- 10 May 2022.Open date for the submission of applications.
- 5 June 2022. Closing date for the submission of applications.
- 5 July 2022. Deadline for the publication of the resolution.
- 17-24 July 2022. CGU Maris project development.

Places and registration fee
- The project offers 15 onboard places on the boat Atyla.
- The registration fee for the project is 260 euros per participant.

Grants programme
Students from Galician public universities whose family unit has a family income of fewer than 20,000 euros per year are eligible for the CGU Maris grants.
Those interested in applying for a grant to cover the registration fee and travel costs can obtain more information in the project’s call document.
Project development
The initiative plans to carry out an extensive programme of activities from 17 to 24 July 2022, both aboard the sailing vessel and in the ports where the participants get off. These activities will enable them to broaden their knowledge and skills in the areas of sailing and communication.
Besides, this programme includes some visits aimed at getting to know the heritage of the Camino de Santiago and the port of call cities.
The main language of communication during the onboard activities will be English.
Those interested in finding out more about the programme are invited to consult the following file containing the preliminary programme for the project.
Up-to-date academic and activities programme.
Academic and activities programme.
Up-to-date programme of activities.
Documentation to be submitted
1. The CGU recommends that you read the guidelines for the call carefully. You can consult them here.
Guidelines for the 2022 call CGU Maris project.
2. You must include in your application all the documentation detailed in the guidelines. Pay attention because if you want to apply for the grant programme, you have to add an extra document.
In all applications, both for participation and for the grants, you have to include the declaration of responsibility.
Declaration of responsibility.
Declaration of responsibility.
3. The last step is to send your application using the electronic form. It must be submitted online and in English for the application to be accepted.
Application form. Closed call.
To solve the most common doubts that arise when filling in this form, the CGU has prepared this guide for you to consult.
Guide application form CGU Maris.